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No advertisement or "would you like to register.?" popups. and so on). Cross-platform: Unlike many of its competitors, DocFetcher does not only run on Windows, but also on Linux and OSX. � You can think of it as Google for your local files. Actions EPUB to PDF - Convert file nowView other ebook file formats Technical DetailsThe ePUB format allows reflowable content. 13) ISO885915 (Latin Alphabet No. Thus, if you ever feel like moving away from your Windows box and on to Linux or OSX, DocFetcher will be waiting for you on the other side. They do not encode information that is specific to the application software, hardware, or operating system used to create or view the document.. How this is useful is described in more detail further down this page. Try searching for similar questions Browse our recent questions Browse our popular tags If you feel something is missing that should be here, contact us. Anyways, the great thing about being written in Java is that the very same portable DocFetcher package can be run on Windows, Linux and OSX � many other programs require using separate bundles for each platform. Java: Performance and portability: One aspect some people might take issue with is that DocFetcher was written in Java, which has a reputation of being "slow". A good rule of thumb is 200 files per minute. The application runs on Windows, Linux and OSX, and is made available under the Eclipse Public License. Developer APIManage FilesFormatsBlogFAQSignup . Hence, DocFetcher indexes only the folders you explicitly want to be indexed, and on top of that you're provided with a multitude of filtering options. Many ebook reader understand the PDF format.


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